About The Artist
About the Artist
Contact Me!
Original Paintings
Lin Seslar
In my paintings, I strive to reveal the extraordinary beauty that lies hidden just
beneath the surface of everyday scenes that surround us – the rich colors of an
unplanned still life, an interior replete with signs of a life in the process of being
lived, a house glimpsed in momentary light, a rowboat unattended resting languidly
on calm water or the sun rising radiantly above an early morning fog.

During thirty plus years of painting, my style has evolved from focusing on every
line and detail to a more painterly approach that focuses on the interactions of light,
form and color, allowing viewers to experience an emotional response to my subjects.
To accomplish this, I prefer to paint on location as often as possible in the "plein air" style -- which basically means that I'm setting my easel right in front of whatever
it is that I'm painting at the moment.

Many of my larger paintings are completed in my studio using the plein air
studies that were painted on location as guides but still striving to keep the
spontaneous brushwork that is characteristic of plein air paintings.

People usually think of plein air paintings as having heavy paint textures –
but, my style has evolved differently. Unlike other artists who use stiff bristle brushes
and thick paint, I complete most of my paintings using a soft brush called
a "bright." The result is a painting with an expressive smooth surface
rather than one that is heavily textured.
All Paintings © Lin Seslar, 2010 - 2022
All Rights Reserved.